Partial Dependence (PD)

(Feature Influence)

Kacper Sokol

Method Overview

Explanation Synopsis

PD captures the average response of a predictive model for a collection of instances when varying one of their features (Friedman 2001).

It communicates global (with respect to the entire explained model) feature influence.

Toy Example – Numerical Feature

PD for a numerical feature

Toy Example – Categorical Feature

PD for a categorical feature

Method Properties

Property Partial Dependence
relation post-hoc
compatibility model-agnostic
modelling regression, crisp and probabilistic classification
scope global (per data set; generalises to cohort)
target model (set of predictions)

Method Properties    

Property Partial Dependence
data tabular
features numerical and categorical
explanation feature influence (visualisation)
caveats feature correlation, unrealistic instances, heterogeneous model response

(Algorithmic) Building Blocks

Computing PD


  1. Select a feature to explain

  2. Select the explanation target

    • crisp classifiers → one(-vs.-the-rest) or all classes
    • probabilistic classifiers → (probabilities of) one class
    • regressors → numerical values
  3. Select a collection of instances to generate the explanation

Computing PD    


  1. Define granularity of the explained feature

    • numerical attributes → select the range – minimum and maximum value – and the step size of the feature
    • categorical attributes → the full set or a subset of possible values

Computing PD    


  1. For each instance in the designated data set create its copy with the value of the explained feature replaced by the range of values determined by the explanation granularity

  2. Predict the augmented data

  3. Generate and plot Partial Dependence

    • for crisp classifiers count the number of each unique prediction at each value of the explained feature across all the instances; visualise PD either as a count or proportion using separate line for each class or using a stacked bar chart
    • for probabilistic classifiers (per class) and regressors average the response of the model at each value of the explained feature across all the instances; visualise PD as a line

    Since the values of the explained feature may not be uniformly distributed in the underlying data set, a rug plot showing the distribution of its feature values can help in interpreting the explanation.

Theoretical Underpinning


\[ X_{\mathit{PD}} \subseteq \mathcal{X} \]

\[ V_i = \{ v_i^{\mathit{min}} , \ldots , v_i^{\mathit{max}} \} \]

\[ \mathit{PD}_i = \mathbb{E}_{X_{\setminus i}} \left[ f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=v_i \right) \right] = \int f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=v_i \right) \; d \mathbb{P} ( X_{\setminus i} ) \;\; \forall \; v_i \in V_i \]

\[ \mathit{PD}_i = \mathbb{E}_{X_{\setminus i}} \left[ f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=V_i \right) \right] = \int f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=V_i \right) \; d \mathbb{P} ( X_{\setminus i} ) \]


Based on the ICE notation (Goldstein et al. 2015)

\[ \left\{ \left( x_{S}^{(i)} , x_{C}^{(i)} \right) \right\}_{i=1}^N \]

\[ \hat{f}_S = \mathbb{E}_{X_{C}} \left[ \hat{f} \left( x_{S} , X_{C} \right) \right] = \int \hat{f} \left( x_{S} , X_{C} \right) \; d \mathbb{P} ( X_{C} ) \]


(Monte Carlo approximation)

\[ \mathit{PD}_i \approx \frac{1}{|X_{\mathit{PD}}|} \sum_{x \in X_{\mathit{PD}}} f \left( x_ {\setminus i} , x_i=v_i \right) \]

\[ \hat{f}_S \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N \hat{f} \left( x_{S} , x_{C}^{(i)} \right) \]


Centred PD

Centres PD curve by anchoring it at a fixed point, usually the lower end of the explained feature range. It is helpful when working with Centred ICE.

\[ \mathbb{E}_{X_{\setminus i}} \left[ f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=V_i \right) \right] - \mathbb{E}_{X_{\setminus i}} \left[ f \left( X_{\setminus i} , x_i=v_i^{\mathit{min}} \right) \right] \]


\[ \mathbb{E}_{X_{C}} \left[ \hat{f} \left( x_{S}^{(i)} , X_{C} \right) \right] - \mathbb{E}_{X_{C}} \left[ \hat{f} \left( x^{\star} , X_{C} \right) \right] \]

PD-based Feature Importance

Importance of a feature can be derived from a PD curve by assessing its flatness (Greenwell, Boehmke, and McCarthy 2018). A flat PD line indicates that the model is not overly sensitive to the values of the selected feature, hence it is not important for the model’s decisions.


Similar to PD plots, this formulation of feature importance will not capture heterogeneity of individual instances that underlie the PD calculation.

PD-based Feature Importance    

For example, for numerical features, it can be defined as the (standard) deviation of PD measurement for each unique value of the explained feature from the average PD.

\[ I_{\mathit{PD}} (i) = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{|V_i| - 1} \sum_{v_i \in V_i} \left( \mathit{PD}_i - \underbrace{ \frac{1}{|V_i|} \sum_{v_i \in V_i} \mathit{PD}_i }_{\text{average PD}} \right)^2 } \]

PD-based Feature Importance    

For categorical features, it can be defined as the range statistic divided by four (range rule) of PD values, which provides a rough estimate of the standard deviation.

\[ I_{\mathit{PD}} (i) = \frac{ \max_{V_i} \; \mathit{PD}_i - \min_{V_i} \; \mathit{PD}_i }{ 4 } \]


For the normal distribution, 95% of data is within ±2 standard deviations. Assuming a relatively small sample size, the range is likely to come from within this 95% interval. Therefore, the range divided by 4 roughly (under)estimates the standard deviation.

PD-based Feature Importance    

Based on the ICE notation (Goldstein et al. 2015), where \(K\) is the number of unique values \(x_S^{(k)}\) of the explained feature \(x_S\)

\[ I_{\mathit{PD}} (x_S) = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{K - 1} \sum_{k=1}^K \left( \hat{f}_S(x^{(k)}_S) - \underbrace{ \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \hat{f}_S(x^{(k)}_S) }_{\text{average PD}} \right)^2 } \]

\[ I_{\mathit{PD}} (x_S) = \frac{ \max_{k} \; \hat{f}_S(x^{(k)}_S) - \min_{k} \; \hat{f}_S(x^{(k)}_S) }{ 4 } \]



PD for the Iris data set

PD with Standard Deviation

PD (with standard deviation) for the Iris data set

PD with ICE

PD (with ICE) for the Iris data set

PD with Standard Deviation & ICE

PD (with standard deviation & ICE) for the Iris data set

Centred PD (with Standard Deviation & ICE)

Centred PD (with standard deviation & ICE) for the Iris data set

PD for Two (Numerical) Features

Two-dimensional PD for the Iris data set

PD for Crisp Classifiers

Crisp classification PD for the Iris data set

PD for Crisp Classifiers    

Crisp classification PD for the Iris data set

PD-based Feature Importance

PD-based feature importance for the Iris data set

Case Studies & Gotchas!

Out-of-distribution (Impossible) Instances

Likelihood of PD instances belonging to the Iris data set

Feature Correlation

Iris feature correlation

Feature Correlation    

PD for all features of a single class

Feature Correlation    

PD for all features of a single class

Feature Correlation    

PD for all features of a single class

Heterogeneous Influence

PD for the Iris data set

Heterogeneous Influence    

PD (with standard deviation & ICE) for the Iris data set



  • Easy to generate and interpret
  • Can be derived from ICEs
  • Can be used to compute feature importance


  • Assumes feature independence, which is often unreasonable

  • PD may not reflect the true behaviour of the model since it based upon the behaviour of the model for unrealistic instances

  • May be unreliable for certain values of the explained feature when its values are not uniformly distributed (abated by a rug plot)

  • Limited to explaining two feature at a time

  • Does not capture the diversity (heterogeneity) of the model’s behaviour for the individual instances used for PD calculation (abated by displaying the underlying ICE lines)


  • PD is derived by averaging ICEs
  • Generating PD may be computationally expensive for large sets of data and wide feature intervals with a small “inspection” step
  • Computational complexity: \(\mathcal{O} \left( n \times d \right)\), where
    • \(n\) is the number of instances in the designated data set and
    • \(d\) is the number of steps within the designated feature interval

Further Considerations

Causal Interpretation

Zhao and Hastie (2021) noticed similarity in the formulation of Partial Dependence and Pearl’s back-door criterion (Pearl, Glymour, and Jewell 2016), allowing for a causal interpretation of PD under quite restrictive assumptions:

  • the explained predictive model is a good (truthful) approximation of the underlying data generation process;
  • detailed domain knowledge is available, allowing us to assess the causal structure of the problem and verify the back-door criterion (see below); and
  • the set of features complementary to the explained attribute satisfies the back-door criterion, i.e., none of the complementary features are causal descendant of the explained attribute.

Causal Interpretation    

By interveening on the explained feature, we measure the change in the model’s output, allowing us to analyse the causal relationship between the two.


In principle, the causal relationship is with respect to the explained model, and not the underlying phenomenon (that generates the data).


Python R
scikit-learn (>=0.24.0) iml
PyCEbox ICEbox
PDPbox pdp
InterpretML DALEX

Further Reading


Apley, Daniel W, and Jingyu Zhu. 2020. “Visualizing the Effects of Predictor Variables in Black Box Supervised Learning Models.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 82 (4): 1059–86.
Friedman, Jerome H. 2001. “Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine.” Annals of Statistics, 1189–1232.
Goldstein, Alex, Adam Kapelner, Justin Bleich, and Emil Pitkin. 2015. “Peeking Inside the Black Box: Visualizing Statistical Learning with Plots of Individual Conditional Expectation.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (1): 44–65.
Greenwell, Brandon M, Bradley C Boehmke, and Andrew J McCarthy. 2018. “A Simple and Effective Model-Based Variable Importance Measure.” arXiv Preprint arXiv:1805.04755.
Pearl, Judea, Madelyn Glymour, and Nicholas P Jewell. 2016. Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer. John Wiley & Sons.
Zhao, Qingyuan, and Trevor Hastie. 2021. “Causal Interpretations of Black-Box Models.” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 39 (1): 272–81.